Điểm cupping cà phê Sơn Pacamara mùa vụ 2021

“Specialty coffee” describes high-quality coffee with a cupping score above 80 out of 100 (according to SCA -Specialty Coffee Association).There are various methods of tasting coffee flavors, however, cupping is the most comprehensive way.

How to do Cupping in the right way?

Because Cupping is a personal sensory experience, the process has to follow strict rules from types of equipment, preparing samples, evaluating samples, and marking. Cupping experts have to train every day to master assessing coffee in the most objective and precise way.

How do we use our cupping score?


At Sơn Pacamara, after each harvesting season, we send the coffee samples to trusted partners for evaluation. During the 2021 harvesting season, it was challenging to ship coffee abroad due to Covid-19, so we sent our samples to BUILDING for evaluation. 

The scoring sheets include both assessment and the list of flavors’ defects. Thus, based on the information, we have clues to improve the quality of coffee for the next season. 

A brief introduction about BUILDING: They are a group of experts with deep experience and expertise in specialty coffee, both in Vietnam and globally; they consult, support, and appraise high-quality coffee businesses in Vietnam.

Cupping Score of Sơn Pacamara


Shown below are the cupping scores of our coffee in the 2021 harvesting season:

However, those are just for reference, the most interesting part is to try them out for yourself!

No secret, only passion.